Quote:1. Are Treants worth it?
Yes very much. Great damage, possible they get targetted instead of you and they also can make it hard to see past them (first time I encountered them was having them dropped in my face while pvping in cat form. I was trying to target the druid but all I could see was tree. By the time I found him I died)
Quote:2. When/How much to melee? (is the Naturalist talent in Restoration worth it?)
Never in PvP. Even if OOM you're best to run and drink rather than melee for mana (unless you're 1v1 with a Holy Priest or something). In PvE you should grind with a nuke nuke autoattack routine adding more nukes in as mana permits. Just make sure you nuke in bursts at the start of the fight to maximise your time outside the 5 second rule
Quote:3. Major stats other than stamina and resilience?
Spell damage, spell to hit, spell crit. When I was Moonkin I took cloth armour but if your focus is arenas you probably want the leather unless there's a ton more spell damage on the cloth option
Quote:4. 4/4 Improved Nature's Grasp was a staple of my flag-running build...do I need it here?
Roots are crucial. You can really disadvantage most classes by keeping your root on: melee classes are obvious but also priests can't fear unless they can get close, mages need to be fairly close for most of their instants etc. I think it's best to take both 4/4 Improved Nature's Grasp and Control of Nature.
Basic strategy is to control the opponent with roots then nuke them down. Roots tend to come in two flavours - breaks first time you cause additional damage or never breaks before opponent is dead. It's wonderful to trap some poor Warrior in roots of the second type and nuke him down while he watches helplessly
Kiting is another valuable technique. Either strafe away or run directly away firing nukes by jumping, spinning 360 degrees, firing the moonfire mid-spin (when you're facing them) and landing facing away from them and still running. That's mainly a Hunter technique, most veteran hunters can show you how to do it
Don't be embarassed to Moonfire spam people to death. A full Balance druid can kill someone pretty fast with just Moonfire and it's not worth trying to cast an interruptible nuke if you have a rogue warrior or shammy on you
Remember your healing options, very easy to cancel the Moonkin buff and become a pretty strong healer even with no points in Resto. It's damage and healing gear for a reason