DPS Warrior Specs
should be the ideal slam build for raid DPS... provided you can maintain Rampage.
Heh, fine I'll respec again.

One nit though, Improved Execute isn't a negotiable talent when speaking of raid dps. From that perspective (as amazingly useful and handy as it is) Imp. Intercept should be dropped for 2/2 Imp. Execute & 1/3 Precision. That's if we're *only* considering max pve dps, however.

Speaking of, I've done two runs on Tiga since going to the build I posted earlier: One Sethekk Halls (At 65) and Crypts (At 66), and I've been if not very competitive for dps, winning. On a pure stand still and use slam every cooldown fight earlier I did 404 dps on an outdoor raidmob earlier with Terrok's Quill.

Thanks for the research, Conc. One thing to note, I've found that if you "feel" out (need a stopwatch mod, really) your swing timer, you can start up Slam .5s before you are going to hit, and both land at the same time with no loss of swing timer / dps. Pulling that off is *very* hard to do consistantly though.

~Frag B)
Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

Messages In This Thread
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-23-2007, 10:04 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Kevin - 02-23-2007, 11:32 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-24-2007, 12:23 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Kevin - 02-24-2007, 04:05 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-24-2007, 05:18 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by WimpySmurf - 02-26-2007, 04:29 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Jester - 02-26-2007, 09:09 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-27-2007, 12:33 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by WimpySmurf - 02-27-2007, 02:12 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Artega - 02-27-2007, 04:57 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Artega - 02-27-2007, 05:00 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by bonemage - 02-27-2007, 02:24 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-28-2007, 03:53 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-28-2007, 05:02 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Artega - 02-28-2007, 06:21 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Artega - 02-28-2007, 06:23 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Frag - 02-28-2007, 06:19 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Legedi - 02-28-2007, 06:57 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 02-28-2007, 10:18 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Frag - 03-01-2007, 02:32 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 03-01-2007, 04:12 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Frag - 03-01-2007, 05:21 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Legedi - 03-01-2007, 02:02 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by TheDragoon - 03-01-2007, 02:58 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 03-01-2007, 09:33 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 03-02-2007, 07:48 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Frag - 03-02-2007, 09:44 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Kevin - 03-02-2007, 10:33 PM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Concillian - 03-03-2007, 12:08 AM
DPS Warrior Specs - by Legedi - 05-29-2007, 04:58 PM

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