01-27-2007, 10:19 PM
Quote:I'm considering picking up the Burning Crusade and venturing back into WoW-land. My previous forays did not pan out, for a variety of reasons, so I'm highly skeptical of any future success. However, I feel I need to take up gaming again. I have been on gaming hiatus for months. This is not good. This is not me. Ergo, I need to change.:)
Has the early game for WoW improved any, so that casual players can actually achieve something in order to reach the expansion content? Or is it the same old grind that I'll probably pass out from boredom before ever making it past level 40? And is the late-game (60 - 70) content really worth all the investment to get from 1 - 60 (keep in mind, I am not much of a rusher. I just seem to lack the ability, period)?
If you didn't like 1-60 (or, as it seems, never got there) you won't find much out of the Burning Crusade. Absolutely nothing has changed about getting to 60, and 60-70 is really just more of the same. It's what most people wanted, and it's what they got; but if you didn't like WoW before you definitely won't like it now.