01-18-2007, 03:50 PM
Quote:Oh, this I completely agree with - Cleoboltra will be most powerful relative to the other classes in the game as she first hits level 70.
Problem is, as itemization increases, the old issue will crop up again. People will simply die, herself included, so quickly that her healing power becomes irrelevant. I guess it's hard to get across how much it changed over the last 2 years in group PvP environments. I used to be able to keep people alive and force them to have to take me out first to get anywhere. At the end, before the expansion came out, I could be totally ignored by DPSers intent on killing a target because I'd only extend the target's lifetime by a few seconds, tops.
Or to put it more directly in terms of my own character: I had a mixture of blues and purples which would double the damage output of my Holy Fire or Smite spells. I also had a mixture of Tier 2 and Tier 3 epics for pure healing that would increase the power of my max Greater Heal by 50%. That seems a bit off to me.
Bear in mind though that while itemisation increases the ability of dpsers to kill fast in general it also can increase survivability.
I honestly don't know how the level 70 end game we currently are heading towards is balanced. I suspect it will be possible to keep people up pretty effectively in arenas as long as they take advantage of all the +stamina and +resilience rating gear. If dps fails to win by burst then healing still beats it
I have no doubt though that as new instances with shiny new toys are introduced that this problem will become more acute
I do share your concern. WoW Arena will be much less of a team game if the best tactic is for 5 people to stack as much damage gear as possible and focus whatever comes closest. And when the fights are too short pvp healing is pointless. And that makes it a worse game, less about team play and more about nuking