01-15-2007, 11:18 AM
Quote:I don't think there will ever be a flight between them, because the whole idea is that you can't access blood elf lands if you don't own the expansion. There's also a portal looking gate between blood elf lands and the plaguelands. Obviously, it's there to stop anyone who doesn't have the expansion from crossing over into blood elf lands.
Things that Only Occur To You at 6am In The Morning For No Damn Reason #317: There will probably be a flight between UC and SM, and it will still be impossible for players who don't own the expansion to activate the flight between any EK point and Silvemoon, since they can't actually walk up to the bat handler outside the city and click on 'em:)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
BattleTag: Schrau#2386
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
BattleTag: Schrau#2386