11-29-2006, 01:59 AM
Quote:At present, Horde does not have Paladins, thus my comments. I guarentee you that on a Druid call, the Bear is going to go from around 10k to 11k armor to around 3k armor in cat form and it's going to be quite difficult to keep a cat up with both normal attack, shadowflames, and fears going off.
And honestly, if Blizzard keeps the boss mechanic in place for all the pre-tBC instances with boss level monsters they will become ghost towns. (Testing in the beta right now is showing that the bosses are still scaling to character level +3 and some decently geared tanks that were in their mid to high 60s were taking 15k hateful strikes from Patch alone, what do you think is going to happen on Rag, Nef, and everything else in the pre-tBC instances?)
Lissa, I apologise, the whole thread has been jumping in and out of metaphor at my instigation
I am proposing a TBC level 70 raid guild for tackling level 70 raid content. I (and everyone else) have been looking at what we know of current end-game raiding to speculate about the viability of this hypothetical guild in the as yet unknown content that awaits us
Bearing that in mind I don't think Fear Ward is a huge issue. If Fear is a problem we may try a Shadowform Priest tanking with Wotf or some such or simply load up on Shadow resistance and trinkets
And if that doesn't work it's another thing for us to "plan B"
Incidentally I want to say thank you to everyone who has replied here. The responses have been very interesting and very well thought-out
It may be that if I do go ahead with this I may adapt the plan to some watered down form. We could for instance recruit X number of each class that can't heal and 2X of each class that can with the expectation that all of our healers rotate
Anyway if I do get something going I'll report back and let everyone know what we find working and what we struggle with