11-17-2006, 05:10 PM
Quote:Why the shadow priest here? They can do VE and VT (mana and health). Assuming you can have a hunter pet out (like you can in pretty much all of ZG, AQ20, and MC) the VE will keep the pet up, the VT will keep the hunters in mana (this may not matter as much with judgement and blessing of wisdom, but coming for a horde side keeping that hunter from having to FD drink and with the new damage models could be huge). The BM hunter can be anywhere really when the pet is usable. The pet proc is simply all damage by 3% so as best as I can tell this helps mages or rogues or anyone. If the BM hunter uses a pet that does a party buff like a wolf then that is still helping 4 people in that group as well. Leaching TSA from the marks hunter helps the BM hunter too.
I would argue that the shadow priest would be better served in the magic DPS group. You mention here wanting to be able to avoid FD and drinking, but at least you have that option. Mages/Locks that would make up the magic DPS group would not have this capability. The shadow priest may also enjoy leveraging either a shaman or moonkin to help increase their DPS.
It's interesting to see our natural tendency to favor our main classes. I certainly did it with druids, and I think it's just a function of being much more intimately knowledgable with what that class brings to the table. GG certainly has much more experience with a broader range of classes in endgame content so perhaps I should defer to him in this discussion:)