11-15-2006, 09:04 PM
Quote:I'm currently counting 2 old/known rare (blue) armors, 4 new rare (blue) armors, and 6 new (epic) armors (3 plate, 3 mail) at Armor Crafter "Zula Slagfury" in the lower portion of Shattrath City.If you look at my quote, we are talking about BOP toys that only that specific specialization can use, in case you haven't noticed. That leaves us with supposed 6 new epic armors.
If you actually looked at those items a bit more carefully, you would notice that each of those armors has a place in an upgrade line, so really there are only 2 armors, with each armor having 3 iterations (much like weaponsmiths can upgrade their weapons). If you have the very best version of the plate armor, there is no reason for you to use the weaker version. Furthermore, the two items that you can make are both chestpieces, one being plate and Warrior/Paladin oriented, the other being mail and Shaman/Hunter oriented. If you use one, you either can't use the other (if you are a Shaman for example), or it would actually be a downgrade (e.g. if you are a Warrior). So for all intents and purposes, you will only use 1 armor, no matter your spec, class, etc.
Weaponsmiths, on the other hand, most of the time can use both of the items they have available to them - Warriors, Paladins, Hunters, Shamans, the only exception being rogues.