11-11-2006, 06:36 AM
Success! Much fun was had by Tal and I as we lead a group of 4 (initially us and 2 random non-Lurkers... one of whom was later replaced by Shamandros) in and cleared the whole freaking instances over 3 hours. This featured Tal tanking everything in sight, me mind controll pulling and a great deal of great loot for my poor shadow priest. Adirra picked up no less than 3 upgrades with pants (first one... then another.. then the Kilt of the Atal'ai Prophet), a new healing hat (from the Hakkar Egg quest), a wand with almost twice the DPS of her old wand, a new staff (from Hakkar) and more! Plus Tal hit level 58 and can go join the big boys on their AQ/ZG adventures! What could be better?! :)