Waiting for Battlefield 2142? Don't bother
Quote:Damn your fast fingers, I was just about to post that.

So instead, I'll just finish up with the line that I would have ended on:

As the bird said, "O rly?"
I was just thinking actualy, they might not be collecting personally identifiable information now, but with the way they worded it in the disclaimer they could change it to do so at a later date without notification.

Edit: oh, and IIRC, sony online entertainment is putting this in their mmorpg's as well, but lowering the subsription cost in return.

Edit 2: By the way, ads in videogames can work if done right. In splinter cell: chaos theory's penthouse level for instance, you rapell past an AXE billboard, which really fit the environment, and wasn't actually visible unless you looked back at it.

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Waiting for Battlefield 2142? Don't bother - by Luminon - 10-20-2006, 10:02 AM

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