Waiting for Battlefield 2142? Don't bother
Quote:But we all need advertising in our games to make them feel "more realistic"!

Nothing paints the picture in a fictional world more than advertisments for companies that couldn't possibly exist outside of our specific time, setting, and cultural/political/economic factors. Post-apocolyptic world? Slap that advertisement for Gillete razors right on the wall. Cool, shaving is definitely a priority between killing people! It already feels more real.



I've always hated the fake ads in games. I wish they were real. From an economic standpoint I'm suprised ads were not inserted a long time ago(or were they?). However, I take an extreme dislike to any spyware. Sure I would have the choice to not play, but I think it would be better to get a reduced monthly fee(for online games) if I chose to allow the spyware that runs the ads. They can always keep the ads in the game that were originally in the game in the case that I choose not to accept the spyware(a default ad). I do not know if that would be possible to run seperate ads for different people, on a server that runs the game. I would say, "Advertisements will reduce the cost of the game for the end user!" However, we all know, that is most likely not going to be the case in the short run of things. For now I am going to stick to Diablo and CS:S.

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Waiting for Battlefield 2142? Don't bother - by GhastMaster - 10-18-2006, 12:30 AM

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