Waiting for Battlefield 2142? Don't bother
Actually, I'm probably the only person conflicted by the news.

I've always liked the Battlefield games, but the major problem I've had with BF2 is the netcode (mucho disconnecto, and when you're spending seven minutes connecting to a lowping server and getting booted straight away, that sort of thing chafes) and that abysmal server browser, the demo of 2142 at least proving to be vastly superior in both respects. As far as Quake Wars supposedly being the superior product, all I can say is that ID have disappointed me more in the past than DICE have, and from what I've seen of ETQW it's been a vast triumph of style over substance.

About the only thing that (previously) I was leery of regarding 2142 was the fact that everything useful (Like the medic's defribilator) is an unlock, meaning you're going to have to put some time in to actually be any use to the squad. Unlike BF2's unlocks (Which, aside from the medic's special weapon, were pretty unspectacular and near-useless) this pretty much means that you're going to have to adapt to the game early to stand any real chance once the game hits its peak. This means that late adapters (after any potential scenarios where EA admit that this spyware thing is a huge mistake and removes it, and the chances of them doing that before they've milked as much cash out of it are slim) who pick the game up some several months down the line are going to be pretty much stranded as the community moves onto different games.

The truth in my mind is this: Hell, yeah it's sleazy business practice on EA's part, but I can honestly say that I can ignore the in-game adverising billboards (however illusion shattering that may be, I've long since accepted the fact that you'll see things in games that aren't entirely in-character) and while I'm uncomfortable with the fact that EA are harvesting my consumer idendity and selling them on to their "partners", that's also another fact of Internet life I've long been accustomed to.

What I am worried about is what is very obviously an abusable hole in a system's security, opened by EA in the attempt to make another quick buck to stack atop their large pile.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

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Waiting for Battlefield 2142? Don't bother - by NiteFox - 10-17-2006, 06:57 PM

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