Any Metal Gear Solid series fans here?

>Exactly. Why do you need an army of giant robots to control the internet? It makes no sense.

Before things get confusing, you're talking about the RAYs and not Arsenal yes? If that's the case, then iirc Arsenal is the one with the internet hookups, not RAY. Agreed so far no? RAY is needed for the defense of Arsenal, yes? There is no direct connection between RAY and controlling the net, not that I said that in the first place, but just to clarify things.

If you meant that there's probably more efficient means of controlling\altering the Net than using something like Arsenal, I'd probably agree with you. But I'm content to suspend some disbelief considering the genre. It wouldn't be much of a sci-fi military espionage game imo if it was infiltrating a bunch of computers housed in Joeschmoe's basement.


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Any Metal Gear Solid series fans here? - by Hammerskjold - 10-03-2006, 06:52 PM

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