Any Metal Gear Solid series fans here?
>My interpretation was that the Raiden mission was "real" and that the strange VR element towards the end was just Raiden fighting off his Patriots-induced indoctrination. He had been forced to spend almost his entire time in VR specifically so that the Patriots could create a soldier incapable of discerning the difference between VR and reality so that he would therefore absolutely fearless.

Good point, I'm also not against the idea that it was a mixture of both. As in, Arsenal Gear is real, but there was things that happened during the Raiden mission that was either VR or some sort of hallucination.

>I don't see why you need a giant Metal Gear (i.e. Arsenal Gear) protected by a mass-produced army of Metal Gear REXs to monitor and alter the flow of information through the internet, but whatever.

It was RAYs wasn't it? My interpretation on that is Arsenal Gear might have a vulnerability when it's engaged in shorter range. It might not be able to do a counter attack without harming itself. Iirc it has the int4rweb thing, and long distance weapons like missiles. Arsenal might need RAYs in case someone say drop a few REXs\REX derivatives on them. If that happens, Arsenal might not be able to launch those missiles in defense because at that range it can also harm Arsenal Gear itself. Like using a flamethrower to burn off leeches from your body instead of a bic lighter. Or possibly due to other reasons, ie: using those big missiles at close range could alert someone of Arsenal's presence.

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Any Metal Gear Solid series fans here? - by Hammerskjold - 10-03-2006, 12:24 PM

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