Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:Moron. The ICC doesn't come and get you, it hides behind multiple layers of other bureuacracies. It isn't in Belguim for nothing. First, the politically motivated charge, then the request for extradition, delegated to someone else, then the kangaroo court.

And its not going to happen to the little guys, while this new Bush&Cheney brand of justice certainly has been, and will be. I'm pretty sure that people like Arar are in nil danger of being dragged into the ICC. And, frankly, I think if I had a choice, I'd be better off there, where at least I get a public trial, a lawyer, and the associated soapbox, kangaroo or not, compared to getting tortured in one of your prisons, or their wholly-supported outsourced branches, have the forced confession used against me, as well as a load of evidence that cannot be revealed for 'national security' reasons in a secret trial. Which is exactly what this bill provides Bush the power to do.

And your government doesn't even nee to hide behind other beurocracies - it can simply snap its fingers, and site 'National security' for a non-reason against any appeals.

If you say that its not going to happen - then why are the provisions for all that there?

I'd especially like to hear your explanation about the one where confessions extracted with torture can be used against you.

Quote:Why don't you answer the question: of what benefit is it to be a citizen if it incurs no advantage over the non citizen?


I'll answer it this way - it is not very relevant to this.

Citisens will still be able to vote, still have protection against deportation due to criminal activity, etc, etc.

And I'll say again - your train of reasoning can be used to justify doing just about anything, including not treating them as human beings - all it takes is an executive order from one man to do so.

There's plenty of other incentives in existance that don't require you to treat non-citisens like some sort of disease.
"One day, o-n-e day..."

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by SwissMercenary - 09-30-2006, 05:50 PM

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