09-30-2006, 10:48 PM
Like I said before....Lurker strats + Great Players in both Guilds = surprising progress.
That is our 2nd night on VAel only if you count the two "just for fun" pulls we gave Vael with about 5 missing raid members on the night we first dropped Razorgore, last week =)
I was expecting chaos, even with the preparation done, and instead got excellent execution from the whole raid.
BTW, I think you can just say "Lurkers and Keepers" for that run - we didn't have anyone outside of our two guilds there, and pretty much never do on New Content Night anymore.
Awesome fight. Looking forward to pushing through suppression and surprising Broodlord next Friday - not looking forward to the extra raid preparation it'll take, but thats ok =)
That is our 2nd night on VAel only if you count the two "just for fun" pulls we gave Vael with about 5 missing raid members on the night we first dropped Razorgore, last week =)
I was expecting chaos, even with the preparation done, and instead got excellent execution from the whole raid.
BTW, I think you can just say "Lurkers and Keepers" for that run - we didn't have anyone outside of our two guilds there, and pretty much never do on New Content Night anymore.
Awesome fight. Looking forward to pushing through suppression and surprising Broodlord next Friday - not looking forward to the extra raid preparation it'll take, but thats ok =)
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...