Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:I'm not saying that I agree with what the terrorist thinks, are what the 'regular dopehead' thinks, and I hold both completely responsible for their actions. But that is not the point. What do we want? A world without terrorism, we know that our actions cause what do we do? We change our actions.

So this has nothing to with who is to blame, it is about what actions have what outcome.
If I'm blown up by a terrorist I (well my family) don't care if I can blame him or let's say Bush the fact is that I'm dead. The wests actions cause more terrorism...we are not the responsible...but who cares.
I see it as a combination of this though;

1) The society/community molds the individual by offering them opportunities for work, education
2) The family molds the individual by offering them home life, stability, morality, education
3) The individual molds themselves by working, getting educated, making moral choices

There are rare cases (with like mental illness) when a person has all the above, but still chooses crime. But, the terrorist frequently can have all the above and choose terrorism since it is not taught to be an amoral act. This is one problem that Occhi and I agree on, the interpretation of 6th Century texts as models of behavior in a modern world. We in the west have moved on from those dark days of stonings, being drawn and quartered, hoisted, and even public executions or whippings. That is the rational greco-roman philosophical base that seems to be missing from the jihadists debate.

So, the west causes more terrorism by doing what exactly? Having troops on Arab soil? By failing to make the Isrealis and the Palestinians get along? By being rich, and powerful? Being in Iraq is a new cause, but it is not the cause. Why did they target the WTC in 1993? Why did 9/11 happen? Why did our African embassies get bombed? How about the USS Cole attack?

My conclusion is that they believe WE are their enemy, back from the writings of Sayyid Qutb. The roots of this expression of radical Islam go back to the 1950's (or back to the 7th Century Salafi-ists as well), and the rejection of western values in favor of Islamic fundamentalism.

Edit: A more modern Jihadist strategy is laid down by The Management of Savagery by Abu Bakr Naji which is then analyzed as a source amoung others for a counter-terrorism strategy Stealing Al Qai'da's Playbook from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
Quote:The solution, Naji says, is to provoke a superpower into invading the Middle East directly. This will result in a great propaganda victory for the jihadis because the people will 1) be impressed that the jihadis are directly fighting a superpower, 2) be outraged over the invasion of a foreign power, 3) be disabused of the notion that the superpower is invincible the longer the war goes on, and, 4) be angry at the proxy governments allied with the invading superpower. Moreover, he argues, it will bleed the superpower’s economy and military. This will lead to social unrest at home and the ultimate defeat of the superpower.
The recommendations are;
  • The United States should avoid direct, large‐scale military action in the Middle East. If such fighting is necessary, it must be done through proxies whenever possible.<>
  • The United States must be aware of the consequences of creating new theaters for jihad, particularly in the Arab world. The U.S. must also find ways to redirect the alienation among Muslim youth that is fueling recruitment<>
  • Use local surrogates to thwart the establishment of enclaves of barbarism, denying jihadis the tactical and propaganda victories that would accrue. <>
  • Fund media campaigns that focus on turning Muslim public opinion against the jihadis, but in a very low key and indirect manner.<>
  • Carefully and unobtrusively support Muslim religious leaders and movements that can effectively compete with the jihadi movement in terms of mass appeal and popularity among the youth.<>
    [st]I had to add this response to Swiss Mercenary's post. I wanted to see what eppie thought it was first, because I'm pretty sure we could hole up over in North America and the jihadists attempts to establish the global Islamic caliphate would continue with even greater fervor having even defeated the Great Satan. Thus proving that the hand of God is with them. This is a Holy War, and withdrawal (e.g. hiding in America) is not an option as I see it. I may be wrong, but I don't believe I am on this one. We are free, however, to commit sins of commission and omission. That is, what we do, or do not do can have huge implications.

    To answer the litany of questions I asked, you need to look at the strategy #1 above. Provoke the US into war. They did that. Now how we respond or not respond may mean the difference between jihadist dogs biting at our heels, or a Global Islamic Jihad. I feel we need to be more patient, methodical, and precise in what we do, or what we choose not to do.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by kandrathe - 09-28-2006, 09:42 PM

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