Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote: No, he was a foreign policy moron. I was on the pointy end of his bullsh**, and it smelled.
But yet, the darling of Europe. I respected that he refrained from mucking up the economy, and that he kept Greenspan in charge. He was a bit of a marshmellow on foreign policy, and maybe that is why the Europeans loved him so. He was a lover not a fighter.
Quote:Yes. So what, they are bunch of useless wogs, what's your point?
First, the US has tried and tried to help resolve the conflict between the Palestinians and Isreali's. The oil and water do not want to mix. So why are we the target? Let's say we magically did get them to mix. The hard line jihadists will not accept peace in the middle east, while jews or christians rule any nation there. The claim that if only we would resolve the conflict between Isreal and Palestine is a red herring in regards to terrorism. That is my point.
Quote:Islam is 7th century morality. It is also the following of a false prophet, if you are Christian, and the following of a non-existent god if you are atheist. It is genocidal hatred if you are a Jew or a Bhuddist or a Hindu. What is your point? It's a load of crap. Ever read the Koran? Jesus wept, that is not only dull, it is a bigger load of bollocks than most. The Tao kicks its ass. OK, it is better fare than Hubbard's religion. I ain't impressed. Mohammed was an illiterate merchant with a penchant for tactical victory on camel back. Note how I don't swoon.
Yes, as you might remember... I've read them all as well. My measure of philosophies and dogma are in what they build, and destroy. In a world of nuclear weapons, we cannot allow the destructive philosophies. I can tolerate an Islam that requires its adherents to pray, abstain from alcohol, or pursue a pure life, but once it begins to advise the adherents on what to do to others it becomes intolerable. They need to choose the good bits if they like, and leave behind the intolerant bull crap. And... that goes for all religions.
Quote:And I thank God they did so, or the world would be overrun with even more wogs. Small pox was Darwin at its finest. Guns, Germs and Steel, for the win!
You seem to be in a mood! :) Eppie wept.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by kandrathe - 09-27-2006, 03:35 AM

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