Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:That is not very fair Kandrathe. You (you admit it yourself) have been falling into the trap of Bush propaganda, and now you accuse others of being propagandized.
There is a difference between going fishing, and swallowing the bait. I try not to takes sides, but rather to look at what are the options and which fits my world view best. I can't remember the last time any national leader has been close to where I stand.
Quote:I know you from the lounge as an intelligent person and I guess you consider yourself also as above average, so as me, I think you can very well imagine what 'the normal american' thinks. Large quantities still wont admit being lied to.
Many people are right wing true believers. 50% of those zealots might believe he lied if he admitted it, but they would forgive him the next day.
Quote:People make mistakes, clinton made mistakes, but the world didn't come down hard on him. I guess you can see the difference between Bush and Clinton. Mistakes were not made, everything was done on purpose, even admitted by the US government, so stop talking about propaganda.
I'm sensitive to a press that undermines every US administration, and tries at all times to make fools of Americans and their government. We are the 800lb gorilla, and when we act that way we probably deserve criticism, but as a patriot who loves his country I can't help wince from the blows. I see the US and world press actively propagandizing US citizens and the world. The truth is buried on page six, but sensationalism sells, ergo page one. I objected to Clinton's lack of character which is why I could not vote for him. He was very centrist for a liberal, and almost acceptable from a policy standpoint. His fatal flaw is his narcissism and womanizing. I was one of the few that believed he sexually harassed that young woman when he was a Governor, and I deemed that was a quality making him unfit for a President. I object(ed) to Bush's lack of tact, and it has continues to be his downfall. He talks as a bully, and makes no friends. I guess he is a nice guy in person, but he is probably the most hated living man on the planet. It takes a great lack of skills to accomplish that.
Quote:The idea that countries like Cuba, Venezuala, Iran ad China would start anything that only looks the slightest on a war against the US is out of the question, absolutely out of the question. Nobody that has anything to lose would do something like that.
But, wars do not start neccesarily because someone shoots. Why did Japan attack the US in WWII? The threat to the US is China, and Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela (and others) could geographically present a very strategically (economically) sticky wicket. We might be forced to swallow a very bitter pill in the future, and our recourse as was Japan's would be war.
Quote:Terrorism will stop when Israel and the palastinians make things work, it will take a while but it will stop.
I doubt it. Wouldn't you think the true believers of Islam would brand the Palestinians that accepted the peace as sellouts? I believe the true Jihadists will not accept any Zionist or Christian state remaining in the middle east.
Quote:I would like to turn around your comparison with nazism. I think we are very close to do the oposite. demonize muslim (of which most are peaceful and just only worried about a future for their children. By now 75 % of people in the west think they are all terrorist, and would agree with a total war. Just like Hitler made whole germany think Jews were inherently bad people.
You don't discredit Islam, you discredit the jihadists and the 12th century notions of Pan-Islamic conquest of the world. There was a time 400 years ago when powerful European explorers travelled around the globe planting flags, exploiting indiginous populations, stealing wealth, and tearing down cultures with the notion of spreading Christianity by the sword. Consider the preponderance of Catholicism in the America's. The Monroe doctrine in the US is another example. We have looked in the mirror of our past behaviors and repented, and its time for Islam to do the same.

I'm just digging into researching deeper the attraction of this Venezuela & Iran connection. There are some disturbing ideological similiarities. Such as,
Quote:Chavez first ran for president on a reform platform, winning in a landslide. What few understood then was that Chavez planned to revolutionize the country following a plan masterminded by his longtime friend Norberto Ceresole, an Argentinian writer infamous for his books denying the Holocaust and his conspiracy theories about Jewish plans to control the planet.Hurricane Hugo: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is a threat to more than just his own people
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by kandrathe - 09-27-2006, 12:59 AM

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