Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:I see you have been thoroughly propagandized then. Yah, fine. We suck. America sucks. Bush is Satan. Feel better? Allow me to rant a bit...

That is not very fair Kandrathe. You (you admit it yourself) have been falling into the trap of Bush propaganda, and now you accuse others of being propagandized.
I know you from the lounge as an intelligent person and I guess you consider yourself also as above average, so as me, I think you can very well imagine what 'the normal american' thinks. Large quantities still wont admit being lied to.

People make mistakes, clinton made mistakes, but the world didn't come down hard on him. I guess you can see the difference between Bush and Clinton.
Mistakes were not made, everything was done on purpose, even admitted by the US government, so stop talking about propaganda.

The idea that countries like Cuba, Venezuala, Iran ad China would start anything that only looks the slightest on a war against the US is out of the question, absolutely out of the question. Nobody that has anything to lose would do something like that.

Terrorism will stop when Israel and the palastinians make things work, it will take a while but it will stop.
I would like to turn around your comparison with nazism. I think we are very close to do the oposite. demonize muslim (of which most are peaceful and just only worried about a future for their children.
By now 75 % of people in the west think they are all terrorist, and would agree with a total war. Just like Hitler made whole germany think Jews were inherently bad people.

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by eppie - 09-26-2006, 02:51 PM

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