Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke
Quote:And that is why we attack only the moderate islamic countries so that we can have the extremist takle over?
No but seriously though, I am getting a bit sick of all this political BS. Or we attack Saudi Arabia, or we stop crying about muslim extremism.
Me too! How about we just stop attacking? Seriously. War is a failed politic. It's an indictment of those who inspire it, practice it, and fail to prevent it. In this then, we are all guilty.

Here are some poignant war quotes I've been pondering;
  • Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn<>
  • War is the continuation of politics by other means.~Karl Von Clausewitz<>
  • Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.~Voltaire<>
  • All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.~Alexis de Tocqueville<>
    Can we expect extremists to be reasonable or fundamentalists to be tolerant? BTW, which moderate Islamic countries did we attack? I hope you are not thinking I'm suggesting any action against Iran, because you misinterpret me then. I believe that "would be" the last straw to signal the pan-islamic Jihad.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke - by kandrathe - 09-26-2006, 07:00 AM

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