Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:Choose the form of your destructor...

So do you believe that the US, or anyone else --- excluding, perhaps, Iran, the Kurds, the fundamentalist Shiite Islamicists in Iraq, and Islamic terrorists all over the world --- have been helped by the US invasion of Iraq?

Do you believe that this illegal, unnecessary, and disasterous adventure, which has cost hundreds of billions of american dollars, thousands of american dead, tens of thousands american injured (many of them with life-altering injuries) --- never mind the hundreds of thousands of dead and injured Iraqis --- do you believe this war, launched by what could be the most incompetent administration in the history of the US (which is saying something), was worth it? Even if you think it was worth it, do you think the war was launched honestly?

I'm not interested in general remarks about Islamic terrorism across the globe, sulpher, anything to do with Bill Clinton, or comments from John Negroponte about how overall things really are safer now.

Tell me how the Iraq war has done anything but make the problem you refer to infinitely worse, for the US, for Spain, for Britain, for Lebanon, for Israel, for Afghanistan,...or why the Bush adminstration, now citing "Islamo-fascism" as the driving issue of the 21st century chose the unilateral invasion of a brutal, but basically secular, dictatorship under false pretenses, and used 9/11 to justify it?

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by Thecla - 09-26-2006, 03:29 AM

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