Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke
Quote:That quote in my signature was chosen following a somewhat heated debate at another forum over the distinction between substance and style. I took the position that I would rather support right than nice, if those are my choices. Apparently there are some who differ. :unsure:

GW has yet to put me on his dinner invitation list. I am trying not to feel slighted. ;)

Speaking of which, have you heard on the news all bush bashing being dealt out by Venezuela and Cuba? Words such as, "tyrant," "dictator," and "devil" just to name a few things. Hugo has asked for the UN to make a full investigation. If I didn't know any better, I'd think the two were working overtime at generating further animosity worldwide towards the bush administration, but for what end? Just venting a little steam, or a political move? It's hard to say at this point IMO. If it's venting, what do they hope to accomplish or gain by this outburst? If political, how will they benefit from the possible fallout of these accusations?

EDIT: Thought I'd add a few links to for validity's sake;
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke - by Taem - 09-25-2006, 03:00 AM

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