09-24-2006, 11:04 PM
Quote:Yes, in a new game it goes back to normal at -10 AC. The bug is repeatable, however, because I got myself killed again, and once again the AC looped around to 246 again. I was familiar with various wrap-around bugs, but I was under the impression that they happened when creating a new game. For example, if a hidden shrine increases an item's dur. past 255, in the NEXT game it would loop around to some horribly low number - and then stay that way. I never heard of it happening only when being killed, and then FIXING itself in a new game. Weird.
From my understanding, the WrapAround bugs happen due to the way the number is stored. And it's something like this: When a new game is loaded, it retrieves a signed integer value. "Signed" means that it can differentiate between negative and positive integers. When you drop an item on a dlvl and subsequently leave the dlvl, the game has to store information about the items on the ground. When it does this, if it stores unsigned integers, then when the game retrieves the information it will report very large positive integers instead of negative integers. Hellfire is known to get confused with things like -AC and -ToHit, but it handles -STATS just fine.
Kp can no doubt tell you exactly what's going on, but for gameplay purposes, it's enough to what sorts of enchantments the game doesn't handle well so that you can avoid leaving them lying around.