Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke

Quote:I just get a teensy bit fed up with the expensive puppet show theatre, where we are trashed by 99% of the nations on the planet, then end up footing the bill. Why do we pay for this abuse?
It's dialog of the crappiest type, but it beats no dialog at all. There seems to be but two choices in international relations: talk or invade. Invade is more expensive and, as we've seen in the past and are seeing now, it usually is a failure. So the only world forum may suck, but it's what we've got. If Neanderthals like Shrub put in half the effort into making it work that they exert in bashing it and circumventing it, it could actually be useful.

So, yeah, maybe the UN needs to be revamped. The world power has shifted a little (OK, a lot) since the end of WW II and the founders of the UN were not as foresighted as they could have been. So the UN with it's anachronisms and strange structure is what we've got. Think of it as the Articles of Confederation for the world. One day, with luck, a self designated World Congress will spin off a Constitutional Convention, and we'll have a better way of resolving our international problems.

And as far as USA bashing is concerned, the top dog has always been the top target. If it bugs you, then grow a thicker skin.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke - by --Pete - 09-22-2006, 01:33 AM

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