Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke
Quote:Chavez and a number of the Isolationist rhetoriticians in the US are in good company: they find the UN to be undemocratic, but for different reasons.


I can just summarize the revered (by many, here and everywhere) United Nation in one sentence.

Any agency that the USSR used to quote, paraphrase and generally like, is an agency I want no part of.

Simple as that. I am still (yes, still) flabbergasted as to how many people are blind to what the UN is and the type of members it's compised of. Seems like way too many people in the West are like a battered wife who after each beating says and thinks that "he can change, he loves me". I don't get it, I just don't get it. I mean wishful thinking is one thing, but this is rediculous. Of course we both know the type of people I'm talking about (yeh, seems like it's our own private thread;)) , no need to get into more details...


Messages In This Thread
Here's an example as to why the UN is a joke - by Ashock - 09-20-2006, 06:55 PM

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