Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between
Quote:To shoot you, and anyone else who wants to pry it from my cold dead fingers.

I don't have an AR-15, the "toys for Occhi budget" isn't that robust. They are cool, and fun to shoot. Guns are fun. Drinking and shooting are also fun. Dangerous as hell, but fun. :D


I have no problem with keeping and using firearms. As I stated, why does a civilian need military grade hardware? That is the crux of what I find so problematic with all these calls to be allowed to buy any weapong available. You want a hunting rifle or a handgun, no problem, you want a single shot Uzi or a an AR-15 (both of which can be made automatic with tools and information that is not hard to obtain) in the claims of using it for "hunting", no.

And as Pete mentioned below, most people tend to gloss over the Milita portion of the 2nd Admendment. This has caused a lot of Constiutional Law questions in trying to figure out what the Framers were actually after. Is it supposed to be read as the members of the state Militias had a right to carry weapons or can any citizen carry a weapon in order to form Militias.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.

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Senate report concludes: no proof of contact between - by Lissa - 09-14-2006, 05:28 AM

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