the Diablo History is not dead yet!
After reading all the posts, PMs, and emails on this, I’ve put in three major changes.

1: Background has been changed to something lighter, and Diablo-related. Got the most messages about that.

2: Fixed all the typos, forgotten words, punctuation, spelling, etc. that was pointed out to me, and sent a copy to an anal editor friend of mine to give the once-over.

3: The timeline has been broken up into parts. I have removed all of the “player X started/stopped playing D1” and “player X did a 3@30” and made a special list for both of those. The former became a roster listing players by join date, the latter became a hall of heroes listing player, character, class, achievement, and date.

I’ve color-coded the rest of the information depending on content: blue for Blizzard-related Diablo information, red for bugs and bugfixes, green for significant Diablo-related events (such as the closing of the DSF), and violet for significant community-related events (such as AnonymousCoward’s guide and its effects).

All these parts will be accessible from the main page, with links leading of into subpages. If anyone cracked open the source, they’ll know that I composed the site in FrontPage. I hand-coded the site originally, but wrote the original text in Word. For some reason, copy/pasting the document into Notepad to add HTML left a lot of garbage characters, and the page wasn’t loading right. Time to reinstall Arachnophilia and hope it helps. :(

I appreciate everyone’s feedback, especially the people who praised the work before picking it to pieces. In my writing classes back at Hollins, everyone’s a critic.

I also had a few PMs and two emails talking about my grammar. Yes, I is an English major. ;) To some people, relaxing on a forum means TyPiNg LiKe ThIs or somesuch. To me, relaxing on a forum means typing as I talk. I don’t speak perfect English unless I have a reason. I don’t type perfect English unless it’s the absolute final draft. Let me get all of the guide out on the web, typed in reasonable English, before I worry about reflexive pronouns and prepositional phrases and passive voice. (I fancy myself a student of Latin. In Latin translations, as far as I was taught, it’s okay to have dangling prepositions and passive voice. Excuses, excuses. :P)

Others also questioned the seriousness of the endeavor, and thought my work was “pedestrian at best,” and “a chronicle of the community should be assembled by a long-time member, and not a latecomer to the scene.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, if y’all think you can do better, by all means, do so. :P I’m not doing this “for a spot in history.” I’m doing this because this history is disappearing day by day. And it hurts when I get emails from people I’ve respected and admired ever since I was a newbie telling me that I’m not doing a good enough job or I can’t do this job because I’m not an ancient member of the Diablo cadre or my project is not worth their personal information or my project is too rough and simple for their input.

Give me a chance to edit and improve. Maybe with the input of the entire community, instead of just the vocal wordsmiths and the slap-happy youngins, this project can turn into something that people will enjoy. Or, at least, people will be willing to contribute instead of picking out each and every fault with it.

(Sorry for the spiel, but wanted to make sure I had everybody’s attention.)

Now then.

Lavcat: I’m not doing a D2 guide. I don’t know enough about D2 to encapsulate it’s history, and by the messages I’m getting, apparently I don’t know about D1 to do the same. :(

Bob: I lost a lot of information when I overwrote my save. Sorry if yours was lost with it. I’m copying everything back in, so don’t you worry. :)

Walkiry: Can you give me the character name and class for that Zen 3@30?

Xi: Thanks for the warning. :P

TaMeOlta: Just existing makes you a part of history. :D

Occhi: They also released StarCraft twice. Heh. Caught that one, didn’t catch this one. And yes, I did write it, but “A Diablo History” sounds a bit better than “The Diablo History.” It was originally “Diablo History.” Maybe the grammarians should write up a treatise on article usage? :P

Roland: I don’t know, to be honest. A couple people were trying to use you as a landmark, IIRC. And Peter Hughes is Word’s spellcheck at work.

“It is far better to be remembered for something good, something worthwhile, something monumental, than to be remembered for something bad.” I disagree. It is far better to be remembered for something rather than not be remembered at all. And “bad” and “monumental” goes together like Ducky and orange juice. ;)

Thanks to everybody for clarifying things, especially Occhi, Roland, and Nystul. Also thanks to the folks who emailed and PMed me off the forum--I’ll protect your anonymity, don’t worry. :)

Next draft should be out on Monday.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.

Messages In This Thread
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by --Pete - 05-22-2003, 02:32 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by LavCat - 05-22-2003, 05:49 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Bob - 05-22-2003, 07:10 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Feryar - 05-22-2003, 10:04 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Walkiry - 05-22-2003, 10:43 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by TaMeOlta - 05-22-2003, 03:38 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Nystul - 05-22-2003, 03:53 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Roland - 05-22-2003, 10:44 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Mirajj - 05-22-2003, 11:42 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Roland - 05-22-2003, 11:59 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Roland - 05-23-2003, 12:00 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Nystul - 05-23-2003, 12:03 AM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Count Duckula - 05-23-2003, 06:23 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Kasreyn - 05-23-2003, 08:47 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Roland - 05-23-2003, 10:47 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by --Pete - 05-23-2003, 11:54 PM
the Diablo History is not dead yet! - by DeeBye - 05-24-2003, 03:15 AM

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