Quote:I wish Ben would have mentioned public utilities. What does privatizing accounting firms have to do with any of this?You have to go back the Merlinios' original comment about Tyranny and Anarchy. here My point indirectly was that it has nothing to do with what he said it does, but with the timidity, or apathy of the people to make the government "for the people", rather than what has become which is heavily influenced by the money. I'm actually "for" the government deregulating business where possible, but I think Barber is spot on in terms of where to place the blame for why things are messed up. We get the Clinton's and the Bush's because we tolerate them. Just like Springer, Elimidate and Survivor... Enough people vote/watch for that crap so we all get to live with it.
Yeah, I turn the channel, but still another wasted channel.