Quote:PS How did you decide on Terenas if it is that bad? Did you pick it out of a hat on day 1? Or were you just not thurough enough in your research when you rerolled?The very first day, the very first character I made was my shaman on Terenas. I picked it partly because it was not one of the servers on the list that had been "leaked" before release actually happened and it wasn't one of the east coast and central servers that were completely flooded on that first day. It has never seen a hardware upgrade. After the initial mess that was the servers, Terenas was rock-solid. Go back through the posts here at the LL and you'll see me telling folks that. Then they made the changes where the resources from lower pop servers were being "shared" to the higher pop servers. Terenas' stability took a hit and has stayed there pretty much ever since, but somehow has managed to get much, much worse. It was not a case of "not enough research", there was no "reroll". I've been on this damned server, through the good and the bad and right now, it's worse than Stormrage was at its worst. "Big Picture" crap aside, at least there's been more acknowledgement of the issues on Terenas. At least we finally got tech support to say "Oh, hey, yeah, it's kinda sucky over there" even if they did tell us it's simply because folks use mods like damage meters and CTRA.
Intolerant monkey.