08-04-2006, 11:52 AM
Quote:Well, we have the of the people, though just barely. For the people may have been in place at some point. By the people is most certainly extinct, if it ever existed in the first place. Gotta love that electoral college.So why are you not screaming to your Senators and District Representatives about the poor state of things in your area?
Although sometimes I look at Dubya and think he is furthering our governmental cause. We need to hit upon either a tyrant or anarchy (and he's somehow flirting with both) to realize what we had (and lost). No, the US isn't that bad compared to a good chunk of the rest of the world, but our system of government is hardly ideal with all of the lobbying, the incumbency rate, and whatnot. I guess it has to be actively screwing up peoples' lives for them to want to do something about it, and we're not quite that far yet. Most of us aren't.
--me, attempting to kill the death penalty