07-29-2006, 04:50 AM
Quote:Before you all go out and crucify her, I suggest you read up on the facts of the case and about postpartum depression. You would probably be enlightened on what you found out and might just realize, that while she did a heinous act, there is far more going on that people realize from reading and watching what the news media is throwing at you.
Do a little research, you might in the end have a little sympathy for this woman and the fact that if she ever is cured, which is doubtful, she will have to live the rest of her days thinking about what she had done in the state she is (was if cured) in.
I don't deny that post-partum depression is a very real and very serious thing, but it's impossible for people to look beyond the fact that she killed her 5 children. Mental health professionals might understand it, but everyone else just sees the 5 dead children killed by her own hand.