Blizzard announces WOW faction-class crossovers
Quote:Hehe now we will complain that most raiding shamans will be pressured to roll paladins :P

Judging from the number of people in The Core eagerly signing up to become paladins in the expansion, that's not going to be a problem. Interestingly, it's not all healer classes wanting to do it. A couple of rogues want to switch to paladins -- and very badly.

The Horde might lose a priest slot in the expansion, because paladins can take over dispelling duties, but I think it'll mostly be shaman who lose slots, unless the whole totem system gets reworked. Despite claims to the contrary, shaman aren't as good of healers as priests either in healing power or mana generation and efficiency. Plus, many incredibly powerful spells like Prayer of Healing and PW:Shield are grossly underrated by non-priests. A priest who only Flash Heals is a complete noob. Besides, all those new Alliance players who thought how great Shaman are will find out that the only decent shaman build is 30/21 elemental/restoration (or the equivalent level 70 version). They'll have fun pew-pew'ing in battlegrounds, but in raids, they'll be even more gimped compared to holy priests than they would be if they were full resto.

I think the new raid healing setup will end up being:

5 Priests
4 Paladins
3 Shaman
3 Druids

Unless something massive happens to class roles and abilities.

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Blizzard announces WOW faction-class crossovers - by MongoJerry - 07-22-2006, 12:52 AM

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