07-09-2006, 03:09 AM
Quote:We are just getting to BWL now. Any thoughts or observations more recent than this thread? Any help or advice would be most welcome.
Well, I don't recognize any of your SR toons, so I'm assuming here you mean how can Horde do this? Well, from what I heard, Earthbind Totem is a godsend here, slowing everything down. Set up a shaman circle, and keep those totems earthbinding.
We've found that having the MT as the controller with a pally for FR aura/auxiliary controlling works very nicely. Perhaps a fire resist totem wielding shaman would fit nicely in, as well as providing a good earthbind spot for the ramp/platform training. I don't know if you can use an Earthbind and FR totem at the same time though. If you can't, Earthbind is probably the most useful until phase 2, where the FR one is handy.
You don't have to be on the platform to control the device. Standing 'under' it on the main level works just as well, and keeps you out of a nice chunk of the kite path.
You want a 'corner gank squad'. Normally, this will consist of a rogue, a mage, and a hunter. The rogue is the DPS caller, and the mage/hunter help to burn down any mages that spawn. If you get a double spawn, you have two forms of CC, depending on who's faster, the mage or the hunter (if they are Scattershot specced). These corner groups (We usually have 5 in a corner, but the three classes mentioned above are considered critical) jobs is to stand around and just own mage spawns on their corner. A center DPS group consisting of a rogue/hunter or rogue/mage (depending on raid makeup, even a mage/hunter would work) is also assigned. These two help out with runaway mages. They need to be flexible, mobile, raid aware players, as it's not uncommon to have them running back and forth all the time.
Druids are mobile CC machines. They sleep every dragonkin they see, and help to keep stuff off the priests.
At some point in time (40 spawned mobs, but go ahead and try to count them..and keep track of them =P ) spawns will stop. You will have a room full of kiting/training people. At that point, everyone who's not directly involved in controlling the Orb kites, or pulls mobs off kiters in danger (IE:Priests). The key thing to press home about this fight is that in phase one, EVERYONE is very likely to end up kiting for a while. The only two exceptions are the Orb Controllers, who should have someone keeping a general eye on them, just in case a mob gets too curious about them. Depending on how fast your DPS is compared to your controllers, you will usually reach a "full spawn" room around the 8-10 eggs left mark.
When you have 2-3 eggs left, and the controller is on the last MC, the raid clears the room to the wall with the gate/hallway you came in on. This leaves the center clear, and gives Razorgore a clear path to the MT, who's built up a goodly bit of aggro through the MC.
Razor is a standard conflagration tank and spank. Have an OT around to either soak up the conflag, or pick up Razor if the MT eats a conflag, and burn him down.
~Not all who wander are lost...~