What Will Be Your First New 1.10 Character?

I will probably go with a Bone Spear Necromancer. Not because of the synergies screenshot. If anything that screenshot has turned me off of synergies because to feel like you are getting the best mileage out of a skill you'll have to max a ton of other stuff too. That means less versatility and less fun.

No, I'll play him because I've always wanted to.

My other first choice will be a crowd control necromancer. I wont have any ability to kill, I'll just heavily invest in Dim Vision, Bone Prison, Terror (faster monsters run faster right?) and Decrepify, and I'll be party support.

aka *westcats, USWest, SC
aka *sevencats, *weirdcats, USEast, SC

Messages In This Thread
What Will Be Your First New 1.10 Character? - by Guest - 05-13-2003, 11:30 PM
What Will Be Your First New 1.10 Character? - by Guest - 05-14-2003, 04:51 PM
What Will Be Your First New 1.10 Character? - by Guest - 05-15-2003, 01:31 AM
What Will Be Your First New 1.10 Character? - by Animation - 05-20-2003, 09:44 PM

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