06-29-2006, 11:36 AM
Quote:Yes I did know about all those ways that the kill count can be messed with. I did not mention them because I thought people would have to figure the fast way out themselves. However, now that you have told them the easy way im sure many would use it even if I did impose new rules and the honor system. My plan was to allow all of theese shortcuts in the first place, which is exactly what I will do. All that is except the saving of kill counts while restarting Diablo.So you start competition and let ppl find out what rules they should use. Thats strange. Well, me and Merlinios are possible participants (ok, ok.... not me :whistling:) so we can ask questions, right? Now its IMO much clearer. Even "exploit whatever you want" is rule. Maybe it was clear from beginning, but Im so stupid, that I wasnt able recognize its Mage Normal / Hell raging competition - even from your screenshot.
Quote:Why allow shortcuts?...........................Question is "Why allow shortcuts and dont tell others about it?"
Quote:I forgive you for spelling Knigets wrong.
OK, thanx ...... hum, actually.....
One of the biggest Czech - English / English - Czech vocabulary knows words "knight" and "knights" well, but is strangely silent about words "kniget" and "knigets"
In JG is knight and knights mentioned in many places, but no mention about kniget or knigets.
Diablo is showing word "knight" in legend to monsters we are talking about. Even in your screenshot.
And let speak townfolk. They should say their opinoin too ...
Quote:Cain - gossip
The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one. He was taken from the arms of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that wield wicked spears. There were many other children taken that day, including the son of King Leoric. The Knights of the palace went below, but never returned. The Blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures
Quote:Ogden - initial speach to King Leoric quest
The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The King went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity...
The King's Knights and Priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath the King called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever...
This is where things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former King has risen from his eternal sleep and now commands a legion of undead minions within the Labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb three levels beneath the Cathedral. Please, good master, put his soul at ease by destroying his now cursed form...
Quote:Griswold - speach to King Leoric quest
I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister force that drove him insane!
And finally, what tells Lachdanan - King Leorics knight?
Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...
I have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor.
Of course. Anyone can infirm some vocabulary or guide. But infirm even game we are talking about? Can anyone accuse Lachdanan - Knight of the Knights - from bad spelling his own mission - office? Oh, if you love Diablo, I beg you, dont do that :-))