06-22-2006, 02:33 PM
Quote:edit: Also saw a post by PoopyPants (AKA ClamsAreHot, apparently) in the Meet'n'Greet thread. He only has one post to his name here (under that name) and that was over a year ago--perhaps someone knows more there?
Clammy comes and goes. He got over the "will only ever play under ClamsAreHot while on battle.net" and the last time I saw him, maybe 3 month ago, he was playing some weird sorcerer variant under the unforgettable name of gayboo. LE's really died down over the last couple of months though and the two superbots are absent (one has connection issues but will be back up and running ASAP (DM-LE), the other is taking a break (crkBones), hopefully not permanently). When one of them is back up, a simple `seen clamsarehot or `seen gayboo will be able to tell you how long its been and if he's been back, either recently, or at some point in the future.
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...