06-20-2006, 06:50 PM
Quote:About time someone used a valid metaphor. Sadly, he wasn't using it in reference to the Iraq mess.
If people can't handle a reference to a well known American folk tale, then they need to get their heads out of their rectums.
I read a lot of the Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear stories as a kid. I took them at face value, as folks stories. I had to be taught by over sensitive morons, years later, that they were offensive to people who were out looking for offense.
"Please, don't throw me in that Briar patch!"
I'm not attepting to state that the metaphor wasn't valid. nor was I attempting to state that the only way to look at that quote was in a racial manner.
What i was attempting to point out is that Tony Snow is a PR person for this administration... Public Relations. That is his job. His only job. to take information from the administration and express it in a publicly satisfying way. As a PR person one would think that Snow would have the wherewithal to avoid any statement that could in some way be construed as a racist remark. As an expression of his job and his purpose to the administration it was an absolute and utter failure.
much like the planning for the war in iraq. "not being bothered", to me at least, reflects a moderate level of obtuseness and laziness but doesn't begin to endorse the absolute and utter failure related to the job they were supposed to do.