A Tale of Woe
Hi everyone... been a while since I've been by. (Yes - he's alive!)

I need some advice. I recently had a viciously bad HD crash. How bad? Well, let's just say that I've lost pretty much every save file from every game I own. With the exception of some backups so old they're useless, I've lost all of my items and most of my decent characters. How could this have happened to me? Well, the crash was physical rather than logical, so it ate my backup partition as well as my boot sector. I'm running on a different HD now.

Among the casualties are uncounted uniques, runes, and rares, and a handful of really high-level characters.

So I'm contemplating beginning all over again (GAH). To that end, I'm trying to decide 1.) whether it's worth upgrading to 1.11 (I was running 1.10, Open of course), and 2.) what strategies I should use to try to recover some of my progress.

A plus for upgrading to 1.11 is that now, I no longer have anything I could *possibly* lose by it. A minus is that some of my third party software might be broken - I use a noCD prog (I have a really noisy CD-ROM drive) and PlugY, a program that allows a "shared stash" so I don't have to lose any of the items I find (unless my HD bites the dust, as I've learned.) I see no conflict between this and my opposition to cheaters online. I play Open single player *only*, so the only game I alter is my own.

However, upgrading to 1.11 might break those two programs, and then I'd be back to listening to my CD drive buzz and having to throw away most of the good items I find (plus never being able to rebuild my runes). Does anyone know if there's a version of PlugY that supports 1.11? Additionally, are there any noCD hacks that function for 1.11?

My second query is more strategy-oriented. Anyone who remembers my rare D2-related posts here will know I'm a *huge* fan of Magic Find. Typically in the past, I had spare Chance Guards, Goldwraps, things of that nature to hand to a baby character so they could find better gear. Now, I'm naked again. An interesting challenge for the veteran stash-of-many-things user! If I do upgrade to 1.11: are there any "balance" changes? Ie., have they nerfed a class and boosted another, again? Is one class "uber" all over again? Because I know Blizzard, and their patches usually mess two things up for every one they fix.

Specifically, what is a good character class and build for the jaded item-hunter who's suddenly stripped of all his expensive toys? What character & build can descend into the dungeon butt naked and live to kick the Prime Evils' asses? I must admit to having a preference for Hammerdins, Sorcies of any kind, Frenzy/WW barbs, Werewolves, and zookeeper Necros, but I'm willing to try any build once!

I'd really appreciate any help. I don't normally ask for suggestions on character builds, but I've been "out of the loop" for a while - I chose to never upgrade to 1.10 because I was too lazy to go hunting for new version of my hacks, and I was worried about the effects on my characters. Now that they're gone, I have nothing to lose, so I'm interested in learning what's new in D2.


R.I.P. - D2.
Charles Martel, Hammerdin 91
Bruticus, Whirlbarb 83
Rhaelon Redpelt, Werewolf 76
Cryonica, Sorceress 73
Thetkhan Blackblood, Necromancer 65
Attilla, Frenzybarb 51
Freezerburn, Meteorb Sorcie 46
and others of lesser repute, perhaps a dozen.

MIA - D1. (still checking backups)
Lord_Kasreyn, Sorceror 47
Not_Enough_Mana, Nakedmage 41
Quaan, Warrior 33
Triock, Warrior 28
Llaura, Rogue 26


Messages In This Thread
A Tale of Woe - by Kasreyn - 06-20-2006, 05:04 AM
A Tale of Woe - by MonTy - 06-20-2006, 05:26 AM
A Tale of Woe - by librarian - 06-20-2006, 09:27 AM
A Tale of Woe - by Hammerskjold - 06-23-2006, 06:09 AM
A Tale of Woe - by Kasreyn - 06-25-2006, 05:42 PM
A Tale of Woe - by MonTy - 06-25-2006, 06:23 PM
A Tale of Woe - by Hammerskjold - 06-26-2006, 05:28 AM
A Tale of Woe - by Occhidiangela - 06-26-2006, 07:34 PM
A Tale of Woe - by Kasreyn - 06-30-2006, 01:06 AM
A Tale of Woe - by Fragbait - 06-30-2006, 08:45 AM
A Tale of Woe - by librarian - 06-30-2006, 09:20 AM
A Tale of Woe - by Occhidiangela - 07-03-2006, 04:42 PM

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