Garriott Brothers on the future of MMOs

That was an interesting read, as was the article on the downfall of Origin linked at the beginning of it:

Lol, I couldn't even retrace my tracks today, but somehow I followed a series of links and ended up at:

Has anyone played this? It's possibly free to play (the site is a little ambiguous on the subject), but is at least free to download. I've started downloading the client, but don't plan to try it out immediately, as I just got involved in a new game a couple of weeks ago and am not ready to try something new yet.

The screenshots seem halfway decent, better graphics than some other free MMORG's I tried briefly this winter that didn't appeal to me (Wyvern, Ogre Island, Neveron). But then, cutting-edge graphics aren't my highest priority in a game.

Mithrander, that chart was mind-blowing - WOW has 50% of the MMORG market? Incredible. Thank's for showing that.

Nystul, interesting observation. I'll just point out that some people simply won't "make the connection" - they will be totally oblivious to that pattern of battle - and of those who do consciously realize it, some won't care anyway.



Messages In This Thread
Garriott Brothers on the future of MMOs - by Dako-ta - 05-31-2006, 06:37 PM
Garriott Brothers on the future of MMOs - by Frag - 05-31-2006, 09:45 PM

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