05-30-2006, 11:19 PM
Quote:I revised my post to show your combination in there. That may be the best DPS.
As for the Baron fight, I figure 2 Magma totems + alternating between Volley and Hurricane should be adequate AoE for the skellies. They have very little health. Alternating holy waters is another good way to take care of the skellies, provided people have enough. I still have 8, I think, but definitely can't use it if I'm tanking Baron.
Volley is difficult to use as AoE on the skellies without a priest since it is channeled and I have no way to stop the stutter. FD+explosive trap is tricky in there because of the AoE shadow damage throwing me back in combat. Hurricane does work with barkskin, but it also sucks 1K+ mana and eliminates druid healing.
A Holy water barrage and a trap vs the 5 skellies should do it. Barkskin + hurricane + magma totems + FD and splosive trap (to hit more of them you FD after they are more collected on soneome) + both shaman healing Fazuul should be more than enough to do it vs the tiny skelly rush.
So really you can only count on about 160 damage to all the skellies from volley as the rest will be stuttered out or they will run out of the AoE.
I still think it can be done as we do have 4 sources of stationary and weak AoE, as well as multi shot (which if it crits pretty much kills what it hits) and cleave (or even WW if you are healthy enough).
We also have several wipe recovery methods (and we might have enough DPS that we can survive a wipe and plenty of methods to get one or two people back up if they die to an add or a bad pull. So the group seems forgiving and I think we have enough DPS, we'll have plenty of totems to boost DPS with 2 shammies and while Qantaqa doesn't hold aggro as well, the furious howl buff would help the whole parties DPS. Furious howl for that group would boil down to about 5 DPS per person if the druid is doing melee damage or 25 DPS since everyone could be getting in on it. Meowry only does about 10-15 more DPS than Qantaqa so total DPS of the group would be higher with Qantaqa. Though as mentioned Qantaqa doesn't build aggro as fast or generate as much aggro as Meowry. Lower DPS, slower attack speed and I can't claw for extra damage/aggro (claw is high aggro as well). Though I do still have intimidation that I can smack every 2 minutes to stun the mob and pull aggro and it's not like anyone who gets aggro, especially if Fazuul is tanking is all that squishy. I think Marn would be the squishiest and I've got about 3K armor and can kick up to about 24% dodge.
We have enough healing for sure, but yeah we will need to hit a mage to get the water flowing before hand. If you want the big DPS from Marn, I have to drink every 3 or 4 fights. I can stretch the drink time out but that means I've pulled back on DPS. I know Keshoga burns the mana to pile on the DPS too. But really I see Mogo drinking, Keshoga healing as we pull. Mogo gets up Keshoga switches to DPS. Then Keshoga drinks during the next fight as Mogo heals it. Should be able to mostly cycle thorugh that, keep the healing and DPS up. And heck if we need to, just have Conc tank a pull while Fazuul heals it and the two shaman drink.
There are also several times where Fazuul could be cat and Conc and the pet are just tanking the one or two mobs. Conc tanking more through DPS than through tanking. I just don't see aggro on Keshoga, Conc, or Mogo (as long as all of them don't have it) as that big a deal. And if Fazuul has to go from cat to bear, that's fine.
Now I think any of the methods of attack should work but the more I think about it, if Mogo and Keshoga are OK doing the bulk of the healing, we might be better DPS with Fazuul not healing. I'm not sure. I do know that Fazuul as MH and unleashin the other two should put both Mogo and Keshoga over 150 DPS each. Marn should be able to push 180 if not more (I've gotten a few other peices of gear most notably a second tarnished elven ring that will change things a bit), the pet should be able to push 80 something, we would only need 140-190 out of Conc and Fazuul to hit the 700-750 mark for the group that I think we figured is what you need and that should not be a problem as Conc could DPS tank some of the stuff.
But again regardless we've got so much of everything with tanking, healing and DPS, that we should be able to keep moving all the time with only a few people sitting to drink even if that lowers the active DPS, I think it will up the total damage done. Of course incoming damage rates will be higher without shackles and I doubt I'll bother to double trap anything as that means taking the pet and me out of play for a bit and if I take Qantaqa I have to pay more attention to if furious howl is on or off since I've seen her furious howl even after I've pulled her back to FD and that throws me back in combat.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.