05-30-2006, 08:03 AM
Quote:Thanks for the links, but I do not believe the entire answer is "efficiency" related, but a more holistic cost benefit analysis, which is why I discuss "total system cost."
For the rest in the thread, the water is converted to HHO by electrolysis, the hydrogen burned, and H2O is a byproduct. You still have to have the battery power/flywheel/Generator, etc, to sustain the electrolysis reaction, if you "fill the tank with water" or you have to create tanks of HHO and fill your car's tank up with HHO at a "filling station." The filling station, of course, requires a lot of electricity to keep converting H20 to HHO for you to "burn" in your car. The issue at hand is how beneficial the non carbon emissions are, what efficiencies one can accrue from that (no more catalytic converters for cars that are pure HHO driven) and what weight and performance savings can be passed along to reduce total system's cost.
The remark about "we want to drive an SUV anyway" is another cost benefit consideration for some customers, but not for those on a budget.
I don't really see what you mean with HHO here occhi.
Anyway, a water fueled car would use solar panels to do the elctrolysis (and for that reason would also use some kind of acid to make the elctrolysis possible). What you can think about is a hybrid car. Solar panels continue to generate electricity to do the electrolysis, the hydrogen and oxygen gas get stored (in the car) and used whenever possible. If at some point the hydrogen is finished, standard petrol can be used instead. (it probably requires different engines though).
The other option is going to the petrol station and fill up your car with hydrogen (which hopefully is obtained in a more environmentely friendly way). At least this way you only emit water. (but I'm not sure if it is the environment or the shortage of oil that we should worry about most).
Another option is the solarpowered car that uses an electromotor. These things (in the solarpowerchallenge in australia) can get an average of more than 100 km/ hour measured over a distance of 4000 km.
These cars however are completely flat, and not very comfortable to sit in......so unless we get more efficient solar cells, this is not an option.