what's a good RPG game to play?
Quote:You flew... a fighter!??!?! a fighter!?!?! I bow down before your accomplishment. Boys and girls, Rhydderch Hael has essentially taken on a Star Wars Death Star and Super Star Destroyer in one with an itty bitty tie fighter and no 8 meter exhaust port weakness. In real terms, he's sunk a US Battleship with a biplane or speedboat.

I've fought fleets of Kestrels and a nearly invincible alien battlecruiser in EV, Pirate Carriers EV:N, hundreds of destroyer, light capital, and battleship class Polaris ships in waves of 6 (not kidding), but never ever in a tiny super fragile fighter.

Kudos Rhyd.
Actually, when it comes to all the fighter classes, I found the human UE Fighter to be the best combination of speed and toughness. Kraits and Cresent Fighters are blazingly fast (Adaras even more so) but you have to dance between raindrops in order to avoid getting killed by escort fighters. The Voinian crates are certainly tough, but too slow to do a decent strafe run on a capital ship— you're stuck in the gunner's arc for too long.

The UE Fighter has good enough speed to zip by a cap-ship, yet has just enough armor and a halfway-strong enough shield to weather a mistake or tangle with other fighters.

And like I said, this particular fighter had a cloaking device installed. Whenever a Voinian Frigate jumped into the vincinity, I immediately cloaked and waited until it left again before I attacked the Dreadnought once more.

Without the cloak, it would have taken forever, since I'd have to tangle with every interloping Frigate that stopped by.

The trick about a ship with massive amounts of protection (be it in the form of shields or armor) is that the regeneration of that protection is agonizingly slow. Basically, the slower it takes for an enemy to whittle away at your hull, the slower it is for that hull to regain full strength. That's what made the Adara so annoying: what little shielding it had instantly came back after it cleared the danger zone (and her speed made that all too easy). This also means the massively-armored Dreadnought had practically no health regeneration.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

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