Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid
Watto44,May 17 2006, 07:12 PM Wrote:The fact of the matter is, two players experienced players under "fair" circumstances should never loose to a single player.

I disagree for two reasons.

1) World PvP is never fair :)
2) Class and Equipment differences are never fair, or fairy nuff.

For example, Soul linked Warlocks + Felhunter owns mages. That's nothing new. I think my record is four mages in a row. One pair of two, then one other, then one who made it back from a ghost. Neither mage damage or magical tricks work on that kind of lock. In retrospect, I cannot judge their skill/ability, but they must've been worse than the great horde mages I've dueled.

Other example, when I saw druid & warrior vs warlock & paladin, the battle was already decided. The druid & warrior don't have enough burst damage or crowd control to kill a high stam warlock backed up by a 4 lives paladin. Normally a tank-healer druid vs tank-healer paladin is a very boring battle. When backed up by a healer, a Warrior is normally a dps machine, but since he can't outdps a pally's heals, and the paladin healer cannot be easily killed either... that battle was pretty much unwinnable for the druid/healer.

Quote:(Damn googlevid's low rez.

Yeah, its hard to tell what's the details of combat are.

Quote:it's very easy to slip into less than optimal play

Still, bad choice after bad choice after bad choice is and winning off the enemy's mistakes is unforgiveable. I'm sympathetic to the lack of pet for hunters in BG, and that timers aren't always up, and things that are out of a enemy player's control. Those things happen, but when I see a video about enemies that fumble, over and over from making horrible decisions, that's not a demonstration of a player's skill. When you show off wins because the other guy tripped, and you aren't doing anything particularly innovative, that just looks pathetic to me.

Quote:I feel it's fair to nit-pick one on one fights - after all, that's a scenario where mistakes really shouldn't be made too often - two on one is a different matter

Yes, I think it is fair to criticize even two on one, having done so myself. Multiple enemies that're poorly equipped and skilled will die to a well trained, well equipped character. That point becomes even more obvious as you see battles with huge level differences. Level 60 char take on a whole party of level 30's without much sweat? Yep. Post 60, the equipment difference is not always so obvious, and skill certainly isn't.

I'm sorry, but this lock just isn't impressed by the misfortune of others. Having seen warriors and rogues pull out crossbows when rooted, or when there's distance and only slivers of health between both opponents, and players winning by the narrowest of margins of skill and prng dice rolls, I expect more.

Have you seen the "nerf firestone" PvP spoof video? That one's a mix of skill, proof of concept, and light comedy rather than "I pwn you" . . . "when you trip over yourselves" which imo is fairly lame. Note, firestone is considered one of the weakest talents around, as it is a conjurable off-hand that cannot hope to scale with equipment or level. However... this guy mades a video having fun with it. Rather than showing off 1k damage as regular blasts that everyone does, he shows off HK's from 25 damage papercuts, and gets excited over a 353 damage crit.

Messages In This Thread
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Watto44 - 05-11-2006, 08:44 AM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Quark - 05-11-2006, 09:31 PM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Watto44 - 05-11-2006, 11:30 PM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Drasca - 05-17-2006, 03:19 PM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Watto44 - 05-18-2006, 12:12 AM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Drasca - 05-19-2006, 05:45 PM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by Berkman - 05-19-2006, 10:01 PM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by castille - 05-22-2006, 01:47 PM
Holy Moly! Rogue PvP Vid - by MongoJerry - 05-22-2006, 07:51 PM

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