My master's thesis on online communication

In your study of Mactech, you note that "diverse" is used to mean "different," "assorted," and "widely varied," and that Mactech probably meant to use "various" instead.

In English, "diverse" can also be used to mean "various." Although it's not commonly listed in dictionaries as a meaning, try checking out the root word for "diverse" - the Middle English word "divers," and you'll see that it is synonymous with various, and this meaning can be carried over into the current "diverse."

I actually use "diverse" to mean "various" every so often, so that's a part of the thesis that nagged at me.

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My master's thesis on online communication - by Guest - 05-05-2006, 10:09 PM
My master's thesis on online communication - by Xukuth - 05-15-2006, 08:26 PM

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