05-11-2006, 02:05 AM
Master DS5,May 11 2006, 07:57 AM Wrote:Unfortunatly I've gotten a fairly accurate statistic about cheaters online today. After talking with several people on US East, I have found the following:
7 out of 10 people have duped/hacked items
4 out of 10 people use some form of trainer to get items and such
1 out of 25 people have their own personal hacks that can ruin your character in a game!
Sorry for the bad news....
Questions -
What was your sample mass?
How long did you test for?
What time of day did you test at?
What day/s did you test on?
Where did you encounter these people? In channel, in game, where? If in channel - what channel? If in game, what level was your character?
How did you verify their claims?
7 out of 10 is very very low. If you are saying that 30% of bnet is legit, then I want details.
Also, how can you possibly test that 1 in 25 people can ruin your character?
D1 Ironman Tournament 2006 -
East at Diablo le for Legits!
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...