Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo
Mothers' Day? What's that? Why celebrate your Mom when you can Kick Butt?

Last weekend, Cleoboltra ran through Lower Blackrock Spire in a 5-man group and actually scored 2 of the 3 gemstones she needed in one run. Now she just needs Wyrmthalak's stone, since he didn't cooperate, to forge her UBRS key (and get some nature resistance, to boot). She also picked up a quest to kill some of the bosses there, thanks to Bijou.

Most of all, she discovered that there's a lot of strange new loot down there. If you haven't run LBRS in a while, there's some crazy cool stuff in there, like a mace that gives Sunder Armor as its proc. There will be many opportunities for characters not decked out in epics to get some serious upgrades.

One thing that hasn't changed, however, is that LBRS is BIG. There's a lot to do, and it's the kind of instance you can spend a good portion of a day in. If the idea of spending your morning (and maybe early afternoon) in a rousing 5-player adventure through the lower regions of Blackrock Spire for Fun and Profit excites you, come on down!

Planned bosses: all of them.
Quests: bring em. Heck, even Mother's Milk. Waiting for players to hearth out and hand the quest in provides a healthy afk-break time for lunch, bio, whatever. So grab all the quests you can before heading in.
Characters: healing's provided for :) and all other roles will need to be filled.

Where and When: be at the entrance to Blackrock Spire at 9:00 AM sharp. Those who are late do not get fruit cup - it's a long instance and some of us might want to, you know, see our Moms that day or something. :) Expected run time: 3 to 4 hours.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

Messages In This Thread
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Bolty - 05-08-2006, 01:17 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Tal - 05-08-2006, 01:54 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by LochnarITB - 05-08-2006, 03:46 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Bun-Bun - 05-09-2006, 04:40 AM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Sabra - 05-09-2006, 11:15 AM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Yakisoba - 05-09-2006, 12:25 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Mavfin - 05-09-2006, 02:58 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Catlyn - 05-09-2006, 10:38 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Thenryb - 05-10-2006, 06:52 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Bolty - 05-13-2006, 12:31 PM
Sunday Morning with Miss Cleo - by Mavfin - 05-13-2006, 04:39 PM

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