I gambled five rare rings in a row...
Assuming you would have considered yourself just as lucky if you had gotten uniques or sets in the middle of that streak, than the chance goes up to 15% per gamble (7% rare, 5% set, 3% unique - Don't know whether this is accurate for 1.09).

So (15/100)^5 = 0.0000759375 = 1 / 13169

Not likely, but given that you've probably gambled literally a thousand or more times, not horribly unlikely that it would happen sometime during your D2 career. And given that millions of people have played this game, there are probably thousands of people that got lucky on each of their first five gambles.

As for the lottery, imagine if you bought a lottery ticket for every time you gambled in D2. I think you'd get poor a lot faster than you'd get rich. :rolleyes:

- Dagni

Messages In This Thread
I gambled five rare rings in a row... - by Quark - 05-15-2003, 09:27 PM
I gambled five rare rings in a row... - by Quark - 05-16-2003, 01:07 PM
I gambled five rare rings in a row... - by Dagni - 05-17-2003, 07:28 PM

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