some extracted columns

I've compiled some columns for personal use. Maybe it's useful to someone else.
Beware, the file is huge (ca 210kB)

I've skipped all that bunnies and camels business. If I was in doubt wether a unit is actually used I didn't skip it.
Maybe it would be nice to rearrange the groupings a bit, but that is a job I don't have the time to do. After all, it's the order of the two original files, so you see at least what units are Act5 guests and what are only used in the Uber levels.

<strike>oh, and I just have noticed I accidentially skipped the act2 hireling and the rogue, the rogue listed in the table is one of the standing-around-and-looking-eager kind in camp. Will fix it soon.</strike>
corrected version online, removed spare column, added act2guard (and BW/BP at one go ^^), corrected Rogue regen and aidel;
this English glossary is now also included in the document, because the few people who are maybe interested could want to save the HTML file locally

added further extracted column documents
animdata.d2, about 55kB, big thankfully bag of peanuts to RTB,
skills.txt, about 90kB
weapons.txt, about 150kB
- all documents are 1.11b, but the listed values really shouldn't differ from 1.10 and 1.11
- glossary in english at the very bottom of each page if necessary

ok, I've filed through my notes, and maybe parts of the following documents are also of interest to the non-german readers.



bagful of peanuts to Zath, the hireling stats compared (needs Frames):

all Rogues

all Blessed Aim and Defiance guys

all Prayer guys

the thorny guys

the mighty guys

the holy freezers

all cold wolves

all fire wolves

all lightning wolves

all Barbies


the areaLevels of all maps
special peanut to Ruvanal


tables regarding FHR, FBR, FCR, Cast Delay
special peanut to RTB for the Sequence tables

Don't be worried about the German text :-)
Feel free to ask if there's something wrong or unclear.
so long ...

Check out some peanuts or the
Diablo II FAQtoids
current status: re-thinking about HoB

Messages In This Thread
some extracted columns - by librarian - 04-27-2006, 10:27 PM
some extracted columns - by librarian - 05-02-2006, 10:27 PM
some extracted columns - by ShadowHM - 05-04-2006, 11:34 AM
some extracted columns - by bigeyedbug - 05-04-2006, 04:56 PM
some extracted columns - by librarian - 05-04-2006, 05:58 PM
some extracted columns - by bigeyedbug - 05-04-2006, 06:45 PM
some extracted columns - by ShadowHM - 05-04-2006, 07:10 PM
some extracted columns - by librarian - 06-10-2006, 08:19 AM

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