Looking for pictures of weapons and armor for FRPG

I'd suggest this page. Unfortunately it's German, but the pictures are awesome. Navigate with the frame on the left side.

Otherwise, I'd say you consult google on 'medieval weapons' or a similar term.

Greetings, Fragbait

Jarulf,Apr 25 2006, 02:40 PM Wrote:I am looking for some site or place with pictures of armor and weapons suitable for fantasy rolplaying. That would be things such as swords, axes, chain mail and so on. Probably need to be painted art since I doubt there is that much real although I once got some hints of some real sword page.

I basically just need it to have to show for my friends when we play pen&paper RPG, makes it a bit more fun to have a picture or something showing how it looks.

One idea is to extract the models out of WoW or other games, but I feel that is a bit more work.

So anyone got ANY ideas?
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

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Messages In This Thread
Looking for pictures of weapons and armor for FRPG - by Fragbait - 04-25-2006, 03:33 PM

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